Food is a key element of our daily health and well-being. Our eating habits have an impact that is still too often underestimated on our energy, our sleep, our weight, our digestion and even our morale. A balanced diet increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of disease. However, it is not always easy to know if our food choices are the best for our body and our health. That's why we suggest you use 5 to 10 minutes to take this quiz on your eating habits and find out if you are on the right track to healthy eating.
When you eat breakfast, your habits are rather:
A. Toasts, butter and jam, pastries or industrial cereals with milk, coffee
B. Homemade muesli with fresh fruit and yogurt, orange juice
C. Soft-boiled eggs and bread, avocado, green tea
As regards morning snack:
A. You have a craving and you rush on sweet cookies, chips, pastries etc.
B. You nibble on a handful of almonds with dark chocolate or a homemade cookie
C. You do not feel hungry and stay focused on your tasks until lunch
When you have lunch :
A. You eat greedily a burger and fries or a ready-made dish followed by a sweet dessert
B. A ready-made mixed salad is more than enough for you
C. You make sure you have a reasonable portion of protein, a good portion of vegetables and a side dish of starchy foods on your plate.
For the afternoon snack :
A. You are hit by an uncontrollable craving for sugar and you nibble on everything that comes to hand (candies, sweet cookies, chocolate bars, sodas, etc.)
B. You don't take a snack and will treat yourself to dinner
C. You enjoy a handful of hazelnuts accompanied by dark chocolate or a seasonal fruit
For dinner :
A. You rush to your fridge without even wondering if you are hungry and eat whatever you can get your hands on, sometimes with a glass of alcohol to relieve the stress of the day
B. You treat yourself to a delicious beef and cheese pasta recipe
C. You are not really hungry and you either eat a light vegetable rice soup or you skip the dinner
Your sleep:
A. You have trouble falling asleep, you feel bloated and heavy, you sometimes still want to snack before going to bed and you wake up tired
B. You have a relatively good night rest, your sleep quality depends on your evening food intake
C. You sleep very well, you feel rested and energised when you wake up
You have a majority of A: You feel most often tired. Treat yourself to nutritional therapy support to learn how to rebalance your meals and get rid of cravings and snacking. You will feel much better from all points of view (digestion, energy, weight, sleep, morale)
You have a majority of B : You are on the right track but you still have some basic rules to acquire. Improving your meals will still require some effort, but you are already aware of the impact of diet on your health and well-being.
You have a majority of C: Well done! Keep taking care of your health, do not forget to check your vitamin and mineral status regularly to make sure you don't miss anything. Current food is often poor in nutrients and it is not always enough to eat a little of everything to not miss anything.